Amaltheia | Alternative therapy Center


Amaltheia | Alternative therapy Center

Experience complete harmony with the holistic vision of well-being and enjoy specially designed therapy packages for the body and face.

1. Hot wax body massage + Facial Aromatherapy

The process of heating the aromatic wax converts it into a rich oil, with the intoxicating aromas of precious essential oils offering hydration, relaxation and detoxication. We continue with facial aromatherapy and we use hot patches infused with aromatic oils from plants and herbs, in combination with a head massage.

Duration: 75'
Cost: 120€

2. Siyanda body massage + Head massage

A deep and completely relaxing body massage, this treatment can transcend into a spiritual experience if you let yourself go. We continue with head massage where a mixture of warmed oils and native Greek herbs are used to on the center of the forehead, followed by a traditional massage on head, face, neck and shoulders.

Duration: 75'
Cost: 120€

3. Herbal body therapy + Herbal facial therapy

The aromas stemming from the Greek earth are combined with the therapeutic properties of herbs and plants. The treatment starts with a body peel, and continues with a rich hydrating face mask of green tea, rosemary and olive oil. It ends with a smooth massage of lavender, myrtle and everlasting – ideal for deep skin hydration.

Duration: 75'
Cost: 120€

4. Lymph foot massage + Lymphatic face massage

This massage is designed to flush out toxins, reduce swelling and improve cellulite, bringing about visible results in body tone and shape. We continue with lymphatic face massage which make the skin smooth and refreshed, and improving elasticity.

Duration: 60'
Cost: 100€

5. Back massage + Foot massage

Back massage relieves tired muscles, reduces tension and improves blood circulation. We continue with foot massage a holistic therapeutic approach that addresses the bottom of the foot, the calves and the thighs.

Duration: 60'
Cost: 100€